jz now i eat taufu fa and soya~ hmm~ yummy yummy!!
i like both of this food so much!
eat more this make our skin become fair and smooth~ hoho~
ok, after that sit infront computer and on9 for a while~
2:30pm, is time for me to practise erhu, so i go practise in my bed room~
1 hours more later, my ke4 shou4 can't stop! it continuosly while i'm practising my erhu!
suddenly my throat is so gatal, and plus can't stop
ke4 shou4, so i feel that like wan vomit!
and i think that nvm la, many times ady like that, the things will not throw out frm my stomach one~
however, suddenly,........... my godness!!!
taufu fa + soya + gastric acid??....it throw out from my mouth!! =.=''
lucikly i ady put down my erhu, it jz kena a few titik only, if not, i really wan to cry!
so many years i din vomit ady, but now like that, ok la, not very geli!
haha~ aft that, i still can laugh lui, and ask my sis coming to help me~
clean and keep my erhu is more important, and clean my room~
and change my shirt! all
taufu fa + soya + gastric acid ??
how do u all think about this?? hahaha
bear bear, y yr face seem like so sad?? fortunately yr mummy d taufufa din kena yr body, if not i dare not hug u at night ady~ hahaha ^^